
Listen to What He Tells You Beside Still Waters

He leads me beside still waters (1)

What has the Lord spoken to you in the past? What is He saying to you now?

          Now is not the time to despair or let it go of hope. Taking hold of a prophetic word is essential in its season.

It is an acknowledgement by faith of that which you may not feel, but choose to accept. It is the time to lift up the words He has spoken to you and wave it before Him as an offering of victory and acceptance. It is the acknowledgement and acceptance of His Promise by faith.

When the Lord told the Israelites to go in and possess the land, they refused. They looked at the situation and declared that the giants were too big and they were too small. They ignored the word that had been released for victory and shrank back because of how they viewed themselves. After Moses reprimanded them for their unbelief, they became angry and declared with hearts of rebellion that they would go in and take the land. The problem was their hearts were not right and they were not fertile soil. The season of the spoken word to take the land had passed. The blessing on the word was gone. We see their response which Moses recounts in Deuteronomy 1: 41-43,

      “We have sinned against the Lord. We will go up and fight, just as the Lord our God commanded us.” So each of you girded on his weapons of war and you thought it easy to go up into the hill country.

42 Then the Lord said to me, “Tell them, ‘Do not go up nor fight, for I am not among you; lest you be defeated before your enemies.’ ”

43 So I spoke to you, but you would not listen. Instead, you rebelled against the commandment of the Lord and went presumptuously up into the hill country.

Let me ask, have you grumbled in your heart over the multitude of prophetic words released recently of blessing because yours has yet to come? Have you said in your heart, “I don’t want to read one more word like this,” and so you choose to reject further words and in so doing reject the very provision that begins the rain in your soul to harvest? We must keep the soil of our heart fertile.

ALSO SEE: Are You Waiting for Your Harvest?

And yet there is a now word/season of blessing that we are to go forth and possess for those that will take hold of it. Let me encourage your heart with what the Lord reminded me this week.

Psalm 23 is significant for this hour. The scripture is so familiar we often miss the incredible word encompassed in that blessing:

The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want.

The word “want” in this verse is pregnant with description of what He has stated over us:

You shall not: fail, be made less, be evaded, be decreased, be caused to fail, be made lower, be abated (or put an end to), be nullified, reduced in intensity, degree or value, be omitted, be beaten down, cut away or deprived. You shall not be removed!

But it doesn’t stop there. As our Shepherd (protector and provider) He makes us to lie down in green pastures. Green pastures refers to a “pleasant abode, house or habitation” That is a word of confirmation for those who have stood for their own safe haven and home. Many need to refocus their eyes on the fact that He is our protector and provider. It is who He is and He doesn’t change.

He leads us beside quiet waters.

See Him now taking you by the hand to lead you into that place of deep and abiding peace that fills our soul to rest even in the midst of a storm. That is where He is leading us. He does not leave us to wander alone.

He restores my soul.

The word “restores” in the Hebrew means “to refresh, to rescue, to retrieve, to reverse, to return, reward, to take back, re-establish, to answer, to recompense, and to deliver our inner being, thoughts and emotions.”

Don’t miss the blessing of this season because of discouragement that would try to rob the word of this moment. Take hold of it. Wave it before the Lord. Let your hope be the anchor your faith to sink deep in the Lord as it is a word that will restore your soul.

ALSO SEE: 2017: A Year of Restoration and Blessing

His Word never fails and the blessing IS on its way to all who take hold of this hour.



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  1. I love this Psalm. Such a fresh word to read today. So true. I am holding onto what is coming forth that is of the Lord. So need it. Seeking for healing in my physical body for a long time. Waiting for the manifestation of it. Much comfort in the 23rd Psalm for me. Thanks.

  2. Reblogged this on healing writer and commented:
    What has the Lord spoken to you in the past? What is He saying to you now?
    Today’s hope filled word is by Karen Hardin, minister at “Now is not the time to despair or let it go of hope. Taking hold of a prophetic word is essential in its season.” READ MORE

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