
Brace for Impact – But Do Not Fear

On December 19, the Holy Spirit spoke the words, “Brace for impact.” My friend, Kim Potter and I have prayed into that for a week now. To be honest, those are words I didn’t want to hear. But what does it mean? First, it is not a word to fear.

But to prepare and brace for impact.

Kim and I discussed it and she sensed the same thing, but with a slightly different word about the need to build an ark. Both words speak of the need to prepare. Let me be clear, this is not a word to create fear, or of impending doom. It is a word to be prepared for what we believe is about to take place. If we are not grounded on the Word, it could shake us. But the end result will be God’s plan.

I don’t believe this is a crash and burn moment. I still don’t sense in my spirit that Biden will be the last-man standing. What I believe is exactly what the Holy Spirit said, we are to prepare and brace for impact for the natural clash of what has already been happening in the spiritual realm.

Because of the nature of this word, I called a trusted friend, and prophetic voice, Wanda Alger. As we processed it together, she shared an important component. “I don’t see this as a negative word. Consider we are about to have “impact” by the Word of God and the goodness of God. Like in any move of God, those who are aligned with Him will be in awe, in worship and admiration. But for those who are not aligned with Him it will create terror,” she finished.

It is a word of preparation that we are to brace for impact.

As you read, keep in mind what is God’s end goal? It has always been, about cleansing, revival, and for hearts to return to Him. But for those who refuse, there comes a time of judgement.

If we are to “brace for impact” let’s look at the natural strategy and spiritual strategy of that word as we move forward.

The term “Brace for impact!” according to a former pilot is when “Our flight is about to end sooner than planned, at a location other than an airport and the first part of the plane to touch down ‘ain’t gonna be the wheels!’” It is when the equation is about to change.”

Below are important tips from that pilot, which I believe we can apply to our situation today. I am using some of his terminology and applying it to how we can prepare. Remember being prepared is simply wisdom. (Consider the ten virgins. Five were prepared, five weren’t. Matt 24.) The best case scenario is we prepare and never need to utilize any of our preparations. But if something changes and we do…we are ready. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity

SEE ALSO: Infected: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception & Insanity

  1. Preparedness

Have situational awareness. Planning ahead are the keys to surviving an aircraft accident, so it is with our current situation. Note those around you who are prepared, those who will need help and those you may need to avoid. Have your plan in place.

Take note of where you live and what is around you. Are you prepared with food and water? A source for heat and/or communicating with loved ones if all the normal resources are temporarily interrupted?

  1. Explosive decompression. According to the pilot, this phrase means, “should the aircraft lose pressurization, an oxygen mask will drop down.” He went on to explain that “Initially there will be a loud ‘bang!’ as air goes rushing out of the cabin. A cloud, obscuring your vision, will form immediately as moisture is sucked out of the air. Because it will stun you, you will be incapacitated for three to five seconds leaving only four to six seconds to get your mask on before you start wondering if the pilot got his on in time! The child’s mask goes on after yours.”

These are all insights for a plane crash. What does that mean for us now? I believe it means, IF something unexpected occurs we may indeed have a “cloud” obscuring our vision. More than likely that would be the media with ongoing lies to create fear, or perhaps there could be a complete lack of communication as all goes “dark.” The key is to HOLD STEADY. You need to stabilize and then work to help others. God is in control.


  1. Check your luggage at the gate. When we board a plane we understand this. But what does it mean in our present situation? I believe it is essential we “check our baggage” of fear, uncertainty, and confusion. Give it to God. We have to determine that we will keep our eyes on Him and His Word and not be moved by what we see or hear. Already many are getting tossed about as they hear “trusted leaders” say “abandon ship” or “it’s over.” It absolutely is not. HOLD STEADY.
  2. Locate and touch your survival/life vest. Many, in panic, evacuate the aircraft without one. In our situation, we cannot in panic and “evacuate” from our “survival” equipment of the Word of God and listening to His Voice if things get rough. He said He would guide us in the way we should go. Trust Him. Stay connected to Him. The Holy Spirit will give detailed specific instruction for your situation if you will get alone with Him and listen. DON’T PANIC.
  3. Stay alert and ratchet your seat belt down tight as we “Brace for impact!” But also be encouraged for there is a sound of breakthrough! (click the link to read the article from Kim Potter.)

Lord, Your name is a strong tower. You said if we run to You we would be safe. We take Your Name, Your Word and Your Blood and declare it over our families and nation. Lord we enter our rooms and shut the doors behind us to hide ourselves for a little while until the indignation has passed.

As You have always done Lord, we ask that the storm of judgement pass over Your people who have humbled themselves before You. For You said You would bless the righteous and surround us with favor as with a shield.

We refuse to fear, for You are with us. We will not be afraid, for You are our God. You said You would strengthen us and help us and uphold us with your righteous right hand. Even as the storm rages, You said all who rage against us will be ashamed and disgraced.

Those who contend with us will be reduced to nothing and will perish. We will seek for them but will not find them. Those who wage war against us will come to nothing. For You are the LORD our God, who takes hold of our right hand and tells us: “Do not fear, I will help you.”

We declare no matter the storm, we will not be shaken for it is well with our soul. Stand fast friends. Fill your heart with His promises. He will show Himself strong.

(Click the links below for additional insights and encouragement.)

“It is well with my soul.” (Click the link for the song by Audrey Assad).

Through It All it is Well with Me –Click the link— song by Kristene DiMarco

Two presidents? – Click the link for a prophetic word from Kim Clement from 2008

(Note: I believe we have already HAD two presidents. When Obama refused to step down and now as the media has declared Biden the winner, when he is not. The prophecy is accurate. Clement was also the one who prophesied Trump would have TWO terms. I believe again he was accurate. And NOT two terms as in 2016 and 2024, but 2016 and 2021.)

Pr 18:10, Pr 5:12, Is 26:20, Is 41:10-13

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  1. Thank you for your encouraging words. I have. No fear but am often thinking “I believe Trump will be reelected..” and “help my unbelief..God will uncover the evil..

  2. ABBA we come to You Asking, Praising and Thanking You for Supernatural Protection to keep us Safe from all Harm, Danger, Disabling accidents, Diseases, Illnesses, Sickness, EVIL, Demonic and SATANIC. Praying for Supernatural BLESSINGS, Deliverance, Discipline, Healing, Protection and Restoration; Spiritually, Physically, Mentally, Emotionally, Financially and Academically. Praying No Weapons formed against Us shall Prosper. Praying Supernatural Power, Wisdom, Knowledge, Discernment, Revival, Revelation, Strength, Courage, Love, Passion and Compassion to better Serve You, YAHWAH, YESHUA and HOLY SPIRIT. Let All the Praise and Glory be unto You. In the Mighty and Powerful Name of YESHUA. LET IT BE

  3. Thank you so much. Our friend gave us this means of contacting you. Dale my husband is at his wits end cause he cannot get updated conservative information on the sites he used to visit, such as Dr. Steve Turley. He tried it last night, and it was all old news. Hopefully through you, we can get updated news. We do rely on our Lord through prayer, but it also helps to get verification through the different people on different web sites.
    Thankful to you,
    Dale & Dora Graham

  4. Thank you for hearing and sharing what the Lord is showing you . Very very important. The details you shared were very helpful! I needed the practical reminders !
    I had just said to several people recently that we need to “brace ourselves” and also said that hopefully, like Noah, we have been building ( or need to build ) an ark. The ark is Jesus. Through our relationship with Him developing trust and all the trials and testings of our faith- proving He is FaithFul!
    Wow… The outcome will be glorious . He prepares us so faithfully as we listen for Him.

  5. Psalm 91 is what I’m proclaiming over all my loved ones. God is our refuge!!! I believe president Trump will fight for America and our freedoms!!! Amen.

  6. Looking forward to always following you Karen. You’ve no idea how you’re helping me keep my beautiful 88 year old mother from being harmed from the evil lurking. She’s feeling the pain of all this going on and at times her fear is gut wrenching! She sees what’s happening she’s not fooled. You give me the words to calm her fear.

  7. Thank you for the words of encouragement, Karen! I believe, wholeheartedly, that God loves America and He put President Trump in office for a reason, and President Trump’s work is not finished. All these things look impossible for man to straighten out – but not for God! I love “brace for impact.” Watch and see what The Lord will do!

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