Those were the words that reverberated in my spirit this morning, but what does that really mean?
I believe it’s meaning is two fold and an essential element to restoration, health and life.
And I believe it involves both the sun and the Son.
1. When we allow ourselves to sit in His presence and soak in the Word to meditate on it, process it and absorb it into ourselves, we are renewed and restored. This is a necessary process for wholeness.
I recognize when I talk with people that this concept, pardon the pun, doesn’t always soak in.
This isn’t about more prayer time. It is about sitting when Him in silence. Listen. Just be. When we sit with a friend, conversation is not always required. In fact, the closest relationships are those in which we can just be together, enjoy each other’s company, and a constant exchange of words is not necessary.
Soaking in His presence is letting him talk while we simply listen.
I John 3:1-2 “Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers.”
How does our soul prosper? By soaking up the Son – the Word. The result is good health. I don’t believe that is just physical health, but also encompasses mental and emotional health as well. So how do we get there? That leads to part 2.
Soak up the Son
2. To sit and soak up the sun or Son, requires a place of rest and a ceasing from our work. It reminds me of the Psalm 23:2 where it talks of the Shepherd who causes us o lie down in green pastures (of rest) to restore our soul. That is a ceasing from works, to a place of rest.
The Sabbath rest is something we don’t hear preached often from the pulpit, but it should be. It is not to be taken lightly, Our bodies were created to need a day of rest as were our minds. When we don’t follow this prescribed “formula” there is a breakdown that begins to happen.
Don’t forget that the Israelites long ago did not give the land the prescribed Sabbath required every 7 years. But what they stole from the land was ultimately required and returned to the land when they were exiled and removed from the land.
The Sabbath they refused to give was still required and they remained in exile as the land was given rest for the same number of years as the stolen Sabbaths.
They had to give back what they should have freely given. There’s an entire separate message in that phrase–but that would be for another time!
Soak up the sun and the Son.
Take the time to rest and soak up the Word to be transformed, restored and renewed, so that we don’t enter into a season in which rest is required in a mandate rather than a prescription.
If this has resonated with you, or if you have something to share along this topic,
I would love to hear from you in the comments section below!
Thank you again! Very good word for a time such as this. I know the message is old and posted awhile ago but God can use it to speak to whom he wants to even today. Thank you!!!
Thanks for taking the time to read it and comment. Blessings!